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Trump Inauguration Watch Party

Decatur Visitor Center 106 S Trinity, Decatur, TX, United States

We have waited 4 long years for this, let's celebrate. Doors open at 10:30am. This is come and go or come and stay. We will have a few snacks and some drinks, but you are welcome to bring your lunch. This will be a great day, so please stop by. If you have never been […]


2025 Red Gala

Decatur Conference Center 2010 W US 380, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Annual Fundraiser with Guest speaker Riley Gaines


The Shot Heard Round the World – February Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

Let's kick off our year with a great meeting! There will be an update on what we have coming up, the gala, and of course the normal business. However, we have a very special treat. Connie W. Coleman, one of our regular members, speaks internationally, doing fundraisers, conferences, trainings, and a lot of other things. […]


Politics & Religion Monthly Zoom Mtg

The two things we believed should never be discussed in polite company are now coming back to get us with a vengeance. Many adults are so angry at what is happening that they are trying to get involved. However, because of their lack of education with these two topics, there is confusion or extremism, then […]


WRW – Ladies who Lunch

Catfish O'Harlies 2019 US-287, Decatur, TX, United States

This one is just for fun and fellowship.  Bring your friends and enjoy some great food and laughter. Attendees rsvp

Wise Regional Water District (WRW Monthly Meeting)

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

Water? What’s the problem with water? Why are we creating a new Water District? You can’t have as many people move into our county as we have, and not realize there is a huge issue with water. Montague and Parker Counties have both had issues with wells going dry after 20+ years, or people buying […]


WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States