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The Shot Heard Round the World – February Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

Let's kick off our year with a great meeting! There will be an update on what we have coming up, the gala, and of course the normal business. However, we have a very special treat. Connie W. Coleman, one of our regular members, speaks internationally, doing fundraisers, conferences, trainings, and a lot of other things. […]


WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States

WRW Monthly Meeting

Wise County Sheriff's Office 200 Rook Ramsey, Decatur, TX, United States