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Politics & Religion Monthly Zoom Mtg

February 27 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


The two things we believed should never be discussed in polite company are now coming back to get us with a vengeance. Many adults are so angry at what is happening that they are trying to get involved. However, because of their lack of education with these two topics, there is confusion or extremism, then eventually the people go back to their norm.
In the last couple of years, a large organization launched a class for churches to address civic responsibility from a Biblical perspective, but that has sort of faded away as well.
The Republican Party is one strongly of faith, it is seen in everything they do. Our role with WRW is make sure we understand how to balance religion and politics in a godly way that won’t exhaust us as citizens or go too far one way or the other.
Join me on this monthly call, to look at some of the issues, and how to bring balance, as well as get and keep others involved. Also, we will take time to pray for our local, state and national leaders as they navigate this crazy climate we are in.
Please ‘rsvp’ to thecswain@gmail.com or text/call 2142-289-9857 to get details.
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February 27
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Wise Republican Women
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