This Years Red Gala Event Was Incredible

Stay connected with us on social media to know when the next one will be.
Diamond Host
One Table: 8-10 guests + 8 VIP passes
Platinum Host
One Table: 8-10 guests + 8 VIP passes
Gold Host
One Table: 8 guests + 4 VIP passes
Silver Host
One Table: 8 guests + 4 VIP passes
Table Sponsor
One Table: 10 guests + 2 VIP passes
Table Sponsor
One Table: 8 guests + 2 VIP passes
VIP Reception$45
Candidate Table in Foyer$50
RSVP Deadline is January 21, 2023

What Comes With Each Option

Key Note Speaker
Sensational Dinner
An Exciting Auction of More than 40+ items
A Fun-Filled Evening With Like-Minded Friends
For those that choose the VIP passes, you will gain early bird VIP access where you’ll be able to mingle with the guest speaker and elected officials along with complimentary drinks and an array of appetizers.